Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2024

Einladung zur Jahreshauptversammlung 2024 Liebe Mitglieder, wir möchten euch herzlich zur diesjährigen Jahreshauptversammlung unseres Vereins einladen. Diese findet am Freitag, den 6. Dezember 2024, um 19:00 Uhr in der Heidelbergerstraße 75, 40229 Düsseldorf (Sportplatz Dieter-Forte-Gesamtschule) statt. Tagesordnung Begrüßung und Eröffnung Anerkennung der Tagesordnung Verabschiedung des Protokolls Wahl einer Sitzungsleitung und Schriftführung Bericht des Vorstandes Aussprache…

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MSV Aqua Fitness

MSV Aqua Fitness We - MSV Düsseldorf - are pleased to be able to offer you the Aqua course. The course takes place in Oberbilk. There are 13 dates until the end of December, the course costs 70 euros for the period September 19 to December 19, 2024. Depending on interest, the course will continue from January, already...

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Youth coach wanted

Youth coaches wanted We are looking for coaches in all age groups. In addition to the sporting aspect, the focus is on giving children fun and enjoyment in football. To this end, we organize numerous activities on and off the pitch. What we offer: motivated children's and youth teams a lively club culture with many volunteers support in acquiring licenses...

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Summer party at MSV Düsseldorf

Summer festival at MSV Düsseldorf The summer festival took place on June 29th and 30th, 2024. Numerous visitors came from Düsseldorf and the region. On both days, there was a very good atmosphere among visitors to the festival. At times there were around 500 visitors at the same time. On Saturday, tournaments were held for the lower youth teams. The children played...

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